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Fear Not, for I am With You

Last Sunday (May 22, 2016), we were priviledged to have Brent Forsythe deliver our sermon.  Brent is a dynamic speaker whose love of The Lord shows in his messages. He spoke about how prevalent fear is in our society: 

  • When we watch the news, the stories strike fear in our hearts. 

  • Fear travels through our society at the speed of light.

  • Fear is a weapon used by evil to destroy our walk with God. 

  • Fear paralyzes us and takes away our faith.

  • Fear bullies our faith.


Brent encouraged us to strengthen our faith, to tap into the power of Jesus to keep our fears at bay.  There are seven things that faith brings to us:

  • Faith brings confidence - Hebrews 11:1

  • Faith justifies us and gives us peace with God - Romans 5:12

  • Faith takes us to a place of obedience - Psalm 119:30

  • Faith teaches us patience and perserverance -James 1:3

  • Faith not only gives us power, love, and a sound mind, but it is pleasing to God -Hebrews 11:6

  • Faith should produce action - James 2:17

  • Faith produces fruit

Growing Our Church

Pastor Jack Parrot has been speaking on building Chapman Grove for the past few weeks.  He has encouraged us all to invite someone to church each Sunday.  He illustrated this concept with the story of Nehemiah.  Nehemiah felt called to rebuild Jerusalem.  He had a plan that was easily communicated to others, and easy for them to support.  His goal was:

  • Conceivable - people could understand why Jerusalem should be rebuilt.

  • Believeable - people thought the Nehemiah's plan would work.

  • Achievable - the goal to rebuild Jerusalem was realistic.


Nehemiah sold his vision to the people.  He was not afraid to step up and work for his goal.  He had four concepts he followed:

  • He faced up - He saw the situation and assessed what needed to be done.

  • He teamed up - He convinced others to work with him.

  • He girded up - He gave himself fully to his vision.

  • He looked up - He did it for the glory of God, and God blessed his actions.


Pastor Jack wants us to get a goal and take action to build our church.  In his words, "Don't sit on you blessed assurance.  Don't simply enjoy your own salvation, but go witness to others!  Get off your seat, on your feet, and on the street!"

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